Tamás, Developer - About Life at Cloud Insurance

Congratulations on your first year with Cloud Insurance, Tamás! As a Developer, what does your day-to-day look like?
Thank you! It’s been my pleasure. I’d imagine it's very similar to my peers who are lucky enough to be in a good and modern workplace. The agile methodology employed in Cloud Insurance creates a well-oiled framework around my day-to-day. I can easily schedule my work as our priority assessments ensure that I never waste time.
What have you enjoyed so far?
Too many things to count, and very hard to pick some specifics. I appreciate every minute of the journey with Cloud Insurance. Every delivery teaches us new things, and still, we find the time to improve our internal structure. I feel that the core values of Cloud Insurance align with my personal principles.
Is there anything you’re specifically proud of?
Without getting too technical, I introduced a way to organize, scale and document our technical improvement efforts. I have taken the initiative to restructure our Atlassian framework to better follow our day-to-day workflow as in development and customer support. I have also proved out data warehouses and various payment microservice-related technologies and improvements.
What are your thoughts on the tech squad and how does it compare to other teams you’ve been a part of?
From my perspective, Cloud Insurance tech squad members are hand-picked from the best. I have been part of bigger groups that achieved less in a month than the squad can in a week.
The limited size enables us to be very flexible, and we can easily share knowledge and workload across the team. I feel honored to be part of such a fantastic team.

Could you share some funny slang that you guys use as developers?
I must highlight our own creation, the “nanoservice”. When one of our microservices needed some facilitator to communicate with the outside world, we naturally introduced another microservice. After considering its size and complexity, we established the term “nanoservice”. This is a non-existent technological terminology, but it was quickly accepted and unanimously used since then within the team.
You’re working completely remote from Hungary. How did you feel about the onboarding and assimilation process?
I'm confident that Cloud Insurance has an excellent onboarding journey. I felt like a productive part of the team in less than a week after starting. My initial tasks were insightful for me and helpful to the Cloud Insurance family altogether. I appreciate how everyone took their turns to schedule a quick chat with me to get to know each other. Overall I enjoyed every part of it.
I know that there’s a Hungarian independence day coming up, are you planning to celebrate?
You’re well informed, on October 23rd, it will be the 65th anniversary of the revolution. There are a couple of eras when Hungary was occupied, and this is the most recent one. I'll naturally participate as I have grandparents who lived to tell the story and the deeds of those who were less fortunate. I think it’s important to remember those who sacrificed their lives for a better future. Rising to the occasion, I recently held a little brainboost session about Hungarian national days, as foreigners commonly wonder why we have so many.

You recently visited the head office in Oslo, how was that?
I had a blast. I enjoyed visiting the office and Oslo in general. This trip was my first time in Norway, and it drew me in quickly. I'm a fan of hiking, and the scenery was amazing. The road layout and the city planning of Oslo is also worth praising. I wish I had more time to experience the rich culture, but better late than never. The silver lining is that I already have many things planned for the next time.
You recently bought a house, have you moved in already ?
Unfortunately, not yet. I plan to in a couple of weeks, but it’s a lengthy process when I like doing things DIY. Fortunately, I am not under strict time constraints, so I can take my sweet time preparing my dream house. I plan to keep the layout as is with a few adjustments, so no significant overhauls are in sight.
About Cloud Insurance
Cloud Insurance is a seamless SaaS solution made by insurance experts for insurers since 2016. We feature all the aspects of the daily work of insurance providers, and help to reduce time on managing policies, claims, financials, and reports through APIs, AI, and rule-based technology. Learn more about us here>>.